Community Projects

Kem Ajachel Project (Guatemala)

I thought I’d share with you a project we’ve just completed in Guatemala. We designed and built a demonstation garden for a woman’s weaving co-operative in Guatemala working with Project Nuevo Mundo and JUSTA. We built a medicinal herb spiral, rainwater catchment, drip irrigation, composting and banana circle, rocket stoves for brewing natural dyes, and planted natural dye plants. Whilst building we held plant walks and workshops so that the project could be self-sustained by the ladies and was educational. We have someone continuing its management; and the women have started using it to reignite the tradition of natural dying for weaving. Here’s the latest update since the garden has been opened to the public.

“The Kem Ajachel Community along with JUSTA & Project Nuevo Mundo received this past February 27th the first group of visitors from the Friendship Bridge organization. The ladies at Kem Ajachel organized a day full of activities where the visitors learned about the process of weaving and production of natural dyes, a guided tour in the new garden of plants that produce natural dyes, medicines and cosmetics.

They all got involved with cooking delicious Guatemalan traditional foods

During the walk in the garden, they learned about Fair Trade, sustainability and how the comunity produces their own dyes. New volunteers from England, Italy, France and Spain joined the activity, helped to cook for the visitors and contributed in the maintanance of the garden. At the end of the day, everybody manifested their joy and wished the Kem Ajachel community the best of luck in future work-shops and promised to spread the word about this amazing project.

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