
Geoff Lawton Advanced Permaculture Intensive – Earthworks, Watershed Design, & Food Forests (Oct 16 – 19, 2012, California)

What: Geoff Lawton Advanced Permaculture Intensive – Earthworks, Watershed Design, & Food Forests
Where: GreenFriends Farm – Castro Valley, California
When: Oct 16 – 19, 2012

Course Description

This course is a rare opportunity to learn key earthworks, watershed design, reforestation, and food forest strategies from an experienced veteran in the field on an amazing broad-acre permaculture demonstration site in the heart of California’s rolling landscape. Earthworks construction, reforestation initiatives, or food production projects can be a rewarding investment in your property and for your family, community, and bioregion. Improving the functionality, restoring ecosystem health, enhancing aesthetic appeal, and increasing the value of your landscape are all realistic and achievable potential outcomes. However, it can be intimidating to undertake large projects like ordering heavy machinery onto your property, or designing and installing a large food forest orchard. Getting it wrong can be discouraging and very expensive. This course will give you the knowledge, practical experience, and confidence to get the design and implementation plan of your earthworks and follow-up strategies right the first time around.

Course Details

In 4 days, you will learn the basic theory and practice of Permaculture Earthworks, Watershed Design, Food Forest & Agroforestry including site design, survey, and analysis; directing earthmoving machines to establish dams, swales, terraces, ponds etc; watershed design and restoration techniques; and designing and implementing reforestation, agroforestry, and food forest projects accordingly. This course will blend theory with hands-on practical application in the context of the real life project and landscape of GreenFriends Farm. Many of the existing broad acre permaculture projects and strategies being implemented on-site were influenced and initiated by Geoff Lawton three years ago, and have since taken flight. This course will be a wonderful opportunity to learn from Geoff as we survey and assess the conditions, goals, and success of these initiatives, and determine the best strategies moving forward.

Find out more and register here!


  1. Would dearly love to attend this course but California is a bit expensive / far away to travel to. How about holding one of these in Australia (WA where we are would be even better).

  2. I really want to take this course and hoping I can do work trade for (all or part) tuition. I live close by the course site and with lots of relevant skills and tools, I can be a major asset whether working before during or after the course. I’m also interested in participating in the convergence and would love to work for that too, could start anytime, unfortunately, I haven’t heard back from anyone…

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