Comedy Break

Geoff in Early Observation Mode

Here’s a photo of a famous Permaculture person. Can you guess who it is? He was photographed with this shovel back in 1956 at the age of two. He is wearing a child restraint belt usually attached to a long cord as was customary in those days to prevent him from running away to play in the dirt. But he did run away to Australia. He will soon be appearing in a new Soils DVD – but with a bigger shovel….


  1. Nice one….it now appears that not only do Geoff and I have dyslexia in common but also have being subjected to childhood restraint devices…

    Our kids have seen these on other kids being subjected to these and were appalled at the notion that their Nana could have done this to me (though I completely understand!) and are even more disturbed when I show them photos of the wooden cage she used to put me in on the verandah of our farmhouse back in the late 1960’s…

    Must say though Geoff’s restraint device is very swish: mine just had thin vinyl strapping though went over the shoulder so I could be hung from the air potentially….

    Is this kind of a childhood treatment a prerequisite to a future as a global Permaculturalist? Sounds like a great topic for a ‘breakout’ therapy session at APC10!

    Ciao, Darren Doherty

  2. I think we should restrain our children in a similar way. Forget all the new age psycho-babble. Child restraints allows kids to grow up with a determination to brake all barriers in life…My only regret is I was never chained up! :)

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