Food ForestsFood Plants - PerennialFood ShortagesPlant SystemsSoil RehabilitationTrees

Seven Food Forests in Seven Minutes

Food forests are at the heart of Permaculture and fast becoming a hot topic in many areas of debate as people realise their full potential.

Let’s face it, with our all-consuming global problems, there aren’t many natural solutions out there that can halt and reverse deforestation, stabilise the climate by returning carbon to the soil where it belongs, solve poverty & extreme hunger, all in one hit, are there?

Yet this is exactly what the food forest is capable of, and provided people understand it and are at the centre of the system, they can go on living off that land forever.

Here is a video of Geoff Lawton showing a series of food forests that have been planted at Zaytuna farm over successive years.


  1. Conspicuously absent was footage of the “fireweed forest” that loves water and fertile soil, as well footage of the legions of rabbits and macropods that love permaculture projects as much as I do.

    Come on over to my place for that footage if you need it!


    Are WWOFers willing to sit in rocking chairs on porches with sniper rifles?

  2. Small domestic animal interaction designed into food forests can take up the niche of unwanted feral and native animal interactions that are undesirable. This often means well thought out fencing design and placement of animal housing. We have these types of systems operating at Zaytuna Farm and it will make another interesting how to video.
    Thanks Greg

  3. Thanks,Geoff – us permaculture-versed, PDC-educated types out here who are sinking our teeth into real projects appreciate as much specific, detailed how-to media you have the time and generosity to produce. Many cheers.

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