
Vote for Change!

Dear Reader

If you’d like to do something tangible to work against the kind of madness outlined in the preceding post, then please click here to vote for positive change.

If we receive enough votes we’ll secure additional funding to enable a small team of writers and photographers (including myself) and a videographer to do the following:

  • Create a book profiling successful Permaculture projects worldwide
  • Create a documentary of the same
  • Create a website and organisation to promote Permaculture and the above book and documentary

The results of this work can help inspire a whole generation of citizens (and hopefully politicians) with the potential found in harnessing the synergies of biological systems to solve a myriad environmental and social problems.

Note: Feel free to add your comments to the page you’ll arrive to via the ‘click here’ link above – but whatever you do, click on the voting button at far right of the screen. This needs to be done now, as the competition ends today (we only found out about it today, so forgive the short notice). You’ll be asked to sign up, but it literally only takes a few seconds to do so. Thanks in advance for promoting this worthy endeavour.




  1. Great ideas, go for it, The more results people witness the more likely that they contribute to their own projects or help you action yours.
    heres to a great future.

  2. I’m a filmmaker very interested in permaculture, sustainable living and getting the message out there, I would be interested in making the documentary…

  3. where we nudge gaians into a better day. Nuff poetic wax I say let’s get to work. About film ideas, I have one to suggest. It starts with a googlearth zoom in to a person in the canopy, we zoom in and see she’s got a iphone or sorts push this view to our friends at Apple and raise an instant cash deal…lol! Anyway she’s transmitting this native group’s project stats from the top of a tree to a satelite somewhere and we go back up and down to glimpses off boots on the ground projects around the world and how online working groups are easy to join and set-up locally. Back to the movie…lol! So cam weaves in and out like that. Camera zooms in to the portal with overlay narration of Geoff and other folks from fields of medicine, engineering, alt energy. Makes people join the opensource website and then it spreads viral across the internet. I think that’s a good way to do it. How about you?

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